Saturday, April 27, 2013

Changes on the Blog

There are some big changes here on the blog - I hope you enjoy them. First - new background color! Black was getting a little gloomy. I thought with Spring in full bloom, something brighter was in order.

I have also added an ABOUT page, a CONTACT page, and a link to my SmugMug photography account and Facebook page.

I hope these new changes make navigating my blog easier and more enjoyable. Please feel free to comment below with any feedback you have! Thanks!

-Alexis Ryan Photography

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Free Print!

There several promotions running right now with Alexis Ryan Photography. To celebrate 100 fans on Facebook, I am giving away a free 8x10 print with your next photo session booked in 2013. To top it off, if we make 115 fans by tonight at 8:00 pm EST, I will give a free one-hour session away to the first person to comment on the following status update.

If you haven't 'liked' Alexis Ryan Photography yet, please make sure to do so! And tell your friends!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Playgrounds and Growing Up

On the first day of Spring, Nathaniel and I took our son to Rita's for his very first taste of water ice. As the cool, lemony-sweet crystals dissolved on his tongue, he looked up at us with a beaming smile. It's the little things in life. Watching the world through his eyes is such a beautiful reminder of all the things we easily take for granted. Everything is new for him. Every bus that drives by is a "Bus! Bus! Bus!!!! Bye, bus." Every dog is an "Oof, oof!" When he is sad, he wants "Mum mum mum" and when he's hungry he wants "Mur" food. It's so much fun to watch.

The weather has been just beautiful recently, so we broke out the shorts today and walked over to the playground for an adventure. At first, I tried putting him on the slide by himself and holding him as he went down, but he was a little nervous about that. So I climbed up and went down the slide with him on my lap, and he liked that. After a few times going down the slide together, he was feeling brave enough to go by himself (while I held onto him). By the end, he was getting to the bottom and giggling, going "Wowwww!"

If there's one thing I'm learning, it's that these moments really do go by so quickly. I can't believe how big he's getting and how quickly he is learning things. It seems like he's learning at least one new word a day, and even how to put words together. And the photos I have of him when he was younger are so precious to me now that he's getting big. With each new day, I look back at the memories those photos provide and cherish this incredible life that we have.