Sunday, September 18, 2011

Snapshots from a life that keeps moving.

I promised my mom I would take some photos of progress moving into our new home. There's still a lot of unpacking and cleaning to do but it's all coming along nicely. This is our living room - and yes, it's purple!!! And yes, our kitchen is green! I told Nathaniel that being able to paint is the difference between renting a place and having a home. I am so happy with our new little haven, I can't even express it. Today we drove past horses and cows to get to the main road - it was so beautiful.

I have probably been driving my poor husband up a wall now for weeks, worrying about whether or not I would have the things I need in time for Constantine's birth. You would think with all of the last-minute miracles that have been occurring in our lives I'd be more inclined to relax and trust that things will work out - and of course they did. Today my sister threw the most lovely baby shower at my mom's house. It was really fun to get all of these adorable things for Constantine but honestly, it was just really nice to be with family and some people I hadn't seen in a long, long time.

Nathaniel and I received so many beautiful gifts for our new baby, all of which were precious and which we love. But I have to say, I very nearly started crying after seeing part of my Aunt Lisa's gift - a onesie with little owls printed on it. My grandmother, Omi, collected owls - figurines, artwork, etc. When she was sick and knew that she didn't have much time left, she had everyone in the family choose one of her owls. I chose a little stone carving of one, about 4" - and I've had it for over a decade now. I was eleven when my grandmother died but I loved her very much. That onesie was just so perfect. It's amazing how something so simple can hold such significance!

We are done housesitting on Tuesday and then we are fully transitioning to Oley, PA. I am looking forward to things quieting down and getting settled into our little stone cottage on the farm. Life is going so quickly - I hope I catch it all!

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