Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Less than two weeks until my due date and every day feels like its own eternity. I can't wait to meet our little man - and on top of that, I can't wait to not be carrying around a beach ball with me everywhere I go! Skinny jeans, I will fit in you again!!!!

While I'm waiting for Constantine's arrival, I did have a lot of fun taking baby pictures a little while ago. What an adorable little girl!!! Have I mentioned I love taking baby pictures?

Well, me and my beach ball belly have been making use of the wireless internet at a diner down the road from the cottage but they're about to close, so it's time for me to head out. It's a lovely day for a walk - maybe I'll give birth on the side of the road next to some cows.... ha!

1 comment:

Georgia said...

Ha ha- "less than two weeks until my due date..." or shall we say, "just over a month"? Can't wait until you post pictures!!!!