Friday, May 25, 2012


Summer is almost here, and with it comes celebration. Multiple weddings, anniversaries (including mine and my husbands!), the excitement of Independence Day fireworks, vacation, sun, all wrapped into one glorious season.

Since moving to Oley, I've been spending a lot more time outdoors. I've enjoyed watching the new life of spring grow and develop, culminating in sweet goslings, hundreds of tadpoles that will be frogs any day now, and tiny little baby bunnies peeping their heads out from fur-lined nests in the yard. Life is sweet.

Every day, now, I stop at the pond for a while to watch the creatures in and around it. I never cease to be amazed by the cycle of creation. The frogs are a particular favorite of mine, as anyone who knows me can tell you, I'm a froggy fan.

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