Thursday, December 20, 2012

All is calm. All is bright.

With Christmas right around the corner, I am officially in holiday song mode. I know, the radio has been playing Frosty the Snowman since Thanksgiving, but I try to tune it out as much as possible until these last few days.

See, I really like Christmas music. So much of it is so absolutely beautiful, or lively, or fun, and I really enjoy singing along to all the old classics. But too much of any good thing eventually wears on you. So I wait. And now, with Christmas less than a week away, I'm excited to be dancing around the kitchen with my son in my arms, singing along to The Most Wonderful Time of the Year while the yummy smell of baking chocolate chip cookies fills the air.

For Nathaniel and I, the excitement of Christmas now has so much to do with watching our son experience everything. And I enjoy all of the family, the time spent together, the gifts, truly - I do. But I am most looking forward to Christmas morning at our church, where the beauty of this day shines through the commercialism and cuts to the simple, sweet message underneath it all.

Your Nativity, O Christ our God,

Has shone to the world the Light of wisdom!
For by it, those who worshipped the stars,
Were taught by a Star to adore You,
The Sun of Righteousness,
And to know You, the Orient from on High.
O Lord, glory to You!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's what we are looking forward to as well! May your last days of the Nativity Fast be a blessing as we eagerly anticipate celebrating the birth of Christ. I really like this picture. How sweet!