Friday, July 30, 2010

And now, for something completely different.

Last night, Nathaniel and I had the pleasure of doing an engagement shoot with our wedding photographer, Faye Murman.  Faye is also a professional photojournalist and a teacher at Temple University.

We had so much fun!  The three of us wandered through the park where Nathaniel carved our initials on a tree so many months ago, wading through ivy and splashing in the creek.  Faye was an absolute joy to work with - she has a perfectly professional attitude and is constantly looking for unique and beautiful opportunities, but she keeps a laid back, friendly demeanor that makes it easy to open up and get good photos.

My time at Temple is teaching me a lot, but a great deal of it is not in a text book.  There is a lot of value to make your subjects feel comfortable - it allows you to get incredible photos like this one!
(Photo belongs to Faye Murman and may be viewed on her Facebook page, which you can be come a fan of here!)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Digital Art

Something you may not know about me is that I am very, very picky about my personal taste in photography.  Although it spans a broad range, from abstract landscape portraits of crystalized salt formations in Nevada to runway chic with countless variations in between, I am still pretty selective about which images impress me the most.

I hope that this has been translating into my own work over the past few years.  True, whenever I look back at my photography even from just a few months ago I feel that it could use some improvement, but I am always learning and gaining new techniques, new information.

Something I've always had fun with is post-work that pushes the envelope beyond reality.  I get kind of annoyed when I see something that's supposed to look real and doesn't (inexperienced "glamour" photographers airbrushing every natural detail out of a human face is one of my biggest pet peeves!!!) but when a photo blends with post-work to create something altogether new and different from the original product, it's exciting for me.  I love photography more than I can say, but I was steeped in many types of art as a kid and I enjoy many mediums.  With photography changing so much now, the rules are shifting drastically and this new kind of experimentation is  more acceptable.

I was up far later than I should have been last night messing around with this image and I thought I'd share!

Edit:  Here are two other versions I came up with, as well.