Sunday, February 27, 2011

One good thing about music - when it hits you, you feel no pain.

If I'm completely honest with you all, I haven't been taking as many pictures recently as I normally do.  Last semester I was busy with school but my assignments involved daily photo assignments.  This semester I am still busy with school but because I've switched my major to Multi-Media Journalism there are no photography classes.  Mainly, I take photos of life around the house and bring my camera out when I'm asked to shoot an event.

This is a photo from a show I was at a few weekends ago.  I was there to take photos for my incredibly talented friend and his band, Chalk & The Beige Americans but I had the privilege of also hearing some really incredible guest talent by Chalk's friend, Kuf Knotz.

I love music - I love a huge variety of music.  I think there are some kinds of music I've adapted to more because of the people I was around and other kinds that really speak to me regardless of anyone's influence.  Chalk is one of those second kind of sounds and Kuf Knotz sounded awesome with him.

Friday, February 25, 2011


I love weddings!  Ever since I was in my own I tend to think they're just about one of the best things that can happen in life!

I am so honored and excited to be shooting the wedding of an old friend and her fiancĂ© in just over two weeks!  They are such a sweet and happy couple and I wish them all the best in the world.

Monday, February 14, 2011

The March for Life

On Monday, January 24th, thousands of  people were gathered in Washington D.C. to protest Roe v. Wade in the March for Life.  I was fortunate enough to attend with several people from my church, St. Stephen Orthodox Cathedral, and brought my camera along.

I've included the video I made from the event, but mainly what I wanted to share with you are the links to this same video on three different Orthodox websites.  I am honored to have found my work used beyond the realm of my own church circle, which is all I had in mind when I created it.  But let this serve as a reminder to me and any budding photographer out there to always credit your work and keep track of it because you never know where it will end up!!!  Fortunately, Vimeo shows you where your videos have been shared so you can check up on them.

Whether you are Pro-Life or Pro-Choice, I hope that you will take the time to watch the video and to read the articles included in these links.  Because, in the famous words of Dr. Seuss, "A person's a person, no matter how small."