Thursday, September 24, 2009

Come see me play!

Ok, quick one, guys.  Just wanted to let you all know that I'm playing at Lickety Split on Friday, October 9th.

It's at 401 South Street.  I'm going on at 9 PM SHARP!  So if you want to see me, show up a little early.  Get a drink or two!

I'll be walking around with a tip jar at some point, so if you feel like helping out a truly starving artist, that would be awesome.  But please don't feel obliged- I'd be thrilled just to see you guys!

Hope y'all can make it out!

Photo- Lickety Split staff.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Girls Drink 1/2 Off!

So the next Baroque is on Friday, October 2nd.  Here's the scoop, if you're interested.

~It's only a $5 cover and ladies drink half off all night.
~Two live performers: Sonkin (dubstep, grime, street bass) and James Shander (house, electronica, dance).
~DJ Duo, Dr. Ew & John Bean
~Upstairs at Liberties on 2nd and Fairmount, 9:00-2:00.

They're every first Friday, so if you can't make this one, check out the next.  They're always a great time- lots of awesome music and fun people and especially if you're a lady, you just can't lose!

I'll be there shooting until probably 1:00 or a little after.  Then I've got to head over to work at the studio from 5:00 AM until whenever my boss comes to take over for me.  Going to be a long weekend, but it's good to keep busy.

So anyway, come out to Baroque!  I'd love to see y'all there!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Self-Portrait Practice

I haven't really done much modeling in the past year or so.  I found myself getting way too caught up in the wrong side of the camera and not focusing enough on what's really important to me.  Not to say that there's anything wrong with modeling, it's just not my passion- it's not what I want to do with my life.  All the same, I do still have fun using myself as a practice subject.  I test a lot of ideas out on myself before I try them on other people.

I thought I'd share a few that I took the other day.  I was going to
 choose just one, but I honestly 
wasn't sure which I liked most.  I don't mean that to be narcissistic, I do honestly try to look at any photo I take, whether it's of me or anyone/anything else and evaluate it purely on a technical level.  I have to remember that any emotional attachment or particular fondness I may have for a photo may not be shared with others.  It's got to be first and foremost a good shot for people to enjoy it and form their own opinions.

They're all a little different, as far as post-editing is concerned.  The most obviously edited one is the last- I ran a few filters to make it look a little more like a painting.  The first two were just color and contrast adjustments.  So what do you think?  Favorites?  Least favorites?  And why?  I'm curious- let me know!