Monday, December 26, 2011

Calendar Boy

January: Caesar

February: Painter

March: Irishman

April: Caterpillar

May: Farmer

June: Barber

July: Rocket

August: Pool Boy

September: Tom Sawyer

October: Buddhist Monk

November: Soldier

December: Shepherd

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Part-time photographer; Full-time mama.

Yesterday I bundled my son up and put him in the moby my sister made for me. The entire time I was out taking photos for the gallery in March, he slept curled up against me. It was nice to get out and stretch my photography fingers, so to speak.

Monday, December 5, 2011

My little pear picker.

A friend from Temple showed me the coolest photographs by Adele Enerson, a series called "Mila's Daydreams." Every day for a year, this mother set up scenes around her baby after she'd fallen asleep. They are so creative. Of course now my mind is going off on the possibilities for Constantine and for other new babies. Giving credit where credit is due, I still believe imitation to be the greatest form of flattery!

That's all for now - and again, you can see more photos on my facebook!