Monday, January 17, 2011

A poem.

I was home schooled most of my life.  In 7th grade my mom took a break from teaching me and my siblings so she could care for her dying mother.  Omi was one of the most beautiful, strong-willed, courageous women I knew and I wanted to be like her in every way.  I will never forget the day she took me into her office and told me she wanted me to write her memoir.  Imagine this eleven-year-old girl sitting across from my boney grandmother, her head wrapped in a scarf and fingers idly touching her chest, while I soaked in every single word and motion she made.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

New year.

So 2010 is done.  It was a big year for me.  I was engaged, converted to Orthodox Christianity, got married, moved to a new place.

My style has changed a lot.  I probably even pass for a decent member of society.  I bought a green peacoat and I'm growing my hair out - this speaks volumes!

Maybe I could just live in a world where what you look like doesn't matter.  Where people see You - and that's enough.