Sunday, August 23, 2009


So I've been doing a lot of shooting for Baroque.  Every first Friday at Liberties- 2nd and Fairmount.  It's been kind of cool to have a steady gig, working with a bunch of my friends.  That's got to be the best part.  It's been a lot of fun having this team of guys that all work together to throw an awesome shindig.  If you're in Philly on a Friday night, you should come out!

Nothing super special about this picture, I just liked it.  So there ya have it.

Finally all signed up for classes at Temple this fall.  I think I can complete the degree in two years- maybe three.  We'll see how it goes.  This is going to be a very challenging next little chunk of life, but I'm excited to see where it takes me.  Photojournalism, here I come!

Short one tonight, guys.  Hope you're all well.

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