Friday, March 19, 2010

Ethereal Mommy

My sister's due date isn't entirely certain.  They're guessing it's this Sunday.  That means any day now we'll be meeting a beautiful new boy or girl and welcoming them into the family!  I'm so excited, I can hardly wait.

We got together on Monday to take some pregnant mommy shots.  She really wanted to do a henna tattoo on her belly but couldn't find a kit so she drew one on with brown marker (and it looks very convincing!  My sister is so amazing).  We had so much fun and the shots turned out really well.

We had the advantage of a nice, cloudy day, so this first photo was shot out on the deck.  I'm choosing not to share some of the belly shots since although she looked phenomenal, there wasn't much in the way of clothing going on.  The diffused light from the clouds was great, though.  It really brought out all the vibrant colors going on and diminished harsh shadow.

The second photo was taken by a window across from a line of row-homes, but since I was exposing for her, they're completely washed out and there's just a really nice, soft, white light.  (Photog-experts, this is common sense, but I like explaining a bit of how things come together for my friends and family)

I can't wait to meet (and photograph) the new baby!  How exciting!!!

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