Monday, April 4, 2011

Newborns and Natural Environments

The shoot on Saturday went really well!  I have to admit, I got distracted a few times just watching this beautiful, newborn baby - she was absolutely wonderful.

It's always a gamble taking pictures of smaller children.  If they're having a bad day or they're shy, getting that beaming smile they're known for can be a little challenging.  That's partially why I prefer to come to people's homes to work - it's the same principle as home-birth, really.  I want everyone to be as comfortable as they can be, and I want to be on their turf, not mine.

Fortunately, the two adorable little boys weren't shy at all.  They were giggling, smiling and showing off the whole time.  In the end, I had a really enjoyable experience just being around three such sweet children and spending some time with their parents, who both I and my husband love, before they move out of Philly.

It was a good day!

P.S.  To see more photos from this shoot and others, be sure to check out (and Like!) my FaceBook Page!!!

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