Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Catching Up

Wow, what an exhausting past few days.  I've been helping a friend move, shooting, trying to keep up with editing, meeting people in my department at Temple, watching my nieces so my sister can teach her natural childbirth course, dealing with a lot of personal stuff and trying all the while to keep my head screwed on straight.

On a positive note, I finally put up shots from Baroque on my myspace.  I edited this one just for the heck of it- I guess this would be one of my "digi-graphs".  Nothing crazy, just having some fun.

This Saturday, I shoot the family portrait.  We're a big, Irish family, so it'll be an interesting challenge to see how this all works.  Organizing photos has never been my strong point- I'd like to think I'm better at capturing candid moments.  So if nothing else, this will be good practice for me.  We'll see how it goes.  If I like the result, maybe I'll put it up here and y'all can see my gigantic family.

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