Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I look at photography and digital manipulation as two entirely different arts, and they really are.  I'm constantly going back over old photos and editing them new and different ways, just for fun and to practice.  Generally I don't do anything too crazy.  But now and then it's fun to tweak a picture just beyond believability.

Much to my mother's chagrin, I tend to err on the side of 'creepy' when I do this.  Yes, I take plenty of sweet, happy pictures of sweet, happy moments.  I love doing that.  But for whatever reason, I just get this immense satisfaction out of making something a little unsettling.

It's pretty funny, because I am the worst at watching horror movies.  I'm so squeamish and I have nightmares for weeks afterwards.  I think there's something about being part of the creation that enthralls me and allows me to forget my fear.  Maybe I just like conquering that fear through my own work.  Maybe I just like freaking you guys out.  =P

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