Saturday, August 1, 2009

Awe and Wonder

My niece was being especially cute yesterday during a rainstorm and I couldn't help but break out the camera.  I got a ton of shots that I really loved- she was really hamming it up!

Maybe my mom has a point about my work, though, because as much as I loved the ones where she was smiling, laughing, showing off, my favorite shot is the one where she's simply sitting close to Mommy, looking up at the rain.

The shot has an element of melancholy to it and maybe it comes off as 'dark' because of that, but I look at this photo and see so much wonder and vast imagination in her little face.  I wish I knew what she was thinking just then.  Whether she was thinking about the rain- how beautiful it can be.  I can't wait until she grows up- she's going to be such an amazing young lady some day.

1 comment:

Rachel B said...

I don't think the picture is "dark". I think it's one of those kinds of pictures that makes you stop and stare, trying to figure out what that little girl is thinking of and why it's fascinating her so deeply. The kind that make you take a deep breath and rest in the middle of a busy world.

You've got an awesome eye, and a wonderful sense of light. :) I love seeing what you post!