Wednesday, March 17, 2010


This, ladies and gentlemen, is the picture of a completely unsuspecting Alexis Shea, under an hour before becoming engaged to the most incredible man on this planet.  I am on Cloud 9.  My life has been one crazy event after the other and after it all, I am engaged to my Sunday School crush.

On the way home from a beautiful night together, we were hit by a drunk driver on I-95, who pushed us into another lane where we were rear ended by another vehicle.  We're both ok - we have some whiplash and are in a little pain, but it's nothing that won't go away.  And through all the chaos, I couldn't really bring myself to be that upset - we had a 'protective glow'.  We're so happy!

In the collage that I intend to make from this momentous occasion, I will be including the playbill from our show, the tickets, and two hospital wristbands from the emergency room.  HA!



wordwarrior said...


Alexis Ryan said...

Jim, thank you so much. We are so happy.