Friday, May 15, 2009

I'm here.

So, I finally decided to create and hopefully update one of these things.  It seemed like a good idea to try and keep everyone informed about what's going on in my world.

I was recently hired at Studio 5 South Photography Studio and am working there as some sort of studio supervisor/gig booker/publicist/artist relations person.  I'm not sure what the official title would be, but thus far I like it.

Things with the Scar Project are looking up- I have a popular website interested in making a regular feature out of it.  They're also hoping to help me make a book!  Hooray!

Still shooting my nieces constantly- they're my favorite subjects.  Recently finally had the chance to shoot with my favorite model, Shea.  We've been talking about it for over a year and never got around to it.  The pictures turned out great!

Well, I think I'll keep it short for now.  Mostly, I just wanted to say I'm here, so stick around and see what comes out of this thing.  Crazy stuff is always happening in my world!

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