Thursday, May 28, 2009


I'm part of an organization called The Notebook Army which has been a really big part of my life over the past few years.  You buy a marble notebook, fill it with whatever you want and at the end you give it away.  Leave it in a bookstore, on someone's front step, at the bus stop, wherever.

I'm working on my third right now but I've got to confess, I haven't given the first two away yet.  Maybe I'll scan them or something, but as of right now it's almost scary to think of parting with them.  I was going through some major life changes when I wrote them, particularly the first one, and it feels odd to give them away, even though that's really the whole point.

Anyway, I was looking through the first one today and found the first polaroid I've ever taken- I had taped it to the last page.  It was the first 'studio' type shoot I'd done, really.  I set up the lights, posed the model, figured out the exposure and took a stab at it.  For a first time try, I actually really like how it turned out.

I haven't done much with film recently- too poor, mostly.  But I really miss it.  There is something so rewarding about working with film- it's an entirely different medium from digital.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! The Notebook Army idea is a great idea! Something I've always wanted to do, just never thought that anybody else was doing it. Is the group still active?

I think it would be hard to part with a journal after completing it too. I don't know if I could part with it! That's a lot of work, thoughts, and life poured onto those pages.

Thanks for sharing your first polaroid, and the notebook army.