Thursday, May 21, 2009

It is HOT out today!!!!!

Today I supervised an Urban Outfitters shoot- pretty exciting to have well known companies using our studio!  Honestly though, for the prices we charge I'm surprised every photographer in Philly doesn't know about us yet.  Seriously, these are prices even I can afford!

As far as affording things goes, work has been really great- I wasn't sure how I'd do with the summer months since I'm not in school and my rent is paid, but in two days of work I easily made what I needed, so the rest is pocket change.  W00t!

Please check out the studio if you get time- lots of great natural light (windows can be covered if necessary), 15' ceilings and wide open floor space.  For CHEAP.

I've been 'hired' to shoot my dad's family reunion.  It feels kind of odd to be hired by family although I guess that's how a lot of people started off.  I guess I've just kind of been doing this photography thing on my own and haven't really shared a lot of what I'm doing with relatives so to be hired as the official photographer, not as the granddaughter or niece or cousin is actually new to me.  We'll see how that goes!  =)

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